Leicester’s thermal map pinpoints hot lofts
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Leicester’s thermal map pinpoints hot lofts

April 14, 2010 -- A new property level thermal map from Bluesky is helping the UK’s Leicester City Council target energy inefficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The ‘Hot Lofts’ scheme, a partnership between the Council and British Gas, aims to deliver free loft and cavity wall insulation for all private homes, regardless of income, on a rolling programme.

Using the Bluesky colour-coded and property-matched map the Council can identify properties most in need of assistance and write to them with the details of the scheme. To date the project has helped nearly 6,300 properties reduce their energy consumption contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 6,000 Tonnes per annum – an estimated annual energy saving of more than 32,700 Gigawatt hours (gas).

“Our last thermal fly over was back in 2005,” commented Nick Morris, Head of Energy Services at Leicester City Council. “Since then technology has moved on significantly and the level of detail Bluesky are able to offer will further enhance the identification and targeting of qualifying properties. With the update we will also be able to chart our progress over the past five years and take the project to the next level identifying Council properties and working with strategic partners such as businesses, the University, Hospital and Emergency Services.”

Bluesky completed the aerial flyover in March of this year using a new generation thermal survey system. Specifically designed for the geospatial market the system includes a state of the art thermal survey camera, advanced navigation and positioning system and improved sensor control and user interface. The resulting data will be used by Leicester City Council in their Intranet based Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify properties with comparably high levels of heat loss.

The Leicester City Council ‘Hot Lofts’ scheme offers free cavity wall and loft insulation to all private homes on a rolling programme. Co-funded by British Gas, as part of the Government’s Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) scheme, the Council has secured sufficient funding for the 2010/11 financial year - £330,000 which will help a further 1,000 properties across the city.

Bluesky offer an end to end thermal data solution, including a cost effective airborne survey service measuring building roof heat loss levels across an entire city in just one evening plus a bespoke thermal mapping service creating intelligent energy consumption and fuel poverty maps to support energy strategies and local campaigns. Bluesky are also able to provide an easy to use software package, HELIOS, which helps councils analyse complex data from multiple sources and share results with colleagues, partner organisations and members of the public.

Rachel Tidmarsh,
Managing Director,
+44 (0)1530 518 518
Website:  www.bluesky-world.com