1Spatial becomes Platinum Sponsor of CC The Exchange
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1Spatial becomes Platinum Sponsor of CC The Exchange

March 31, 2009 -- 1Spatial is very pleased to announce their sponsorship and involvement with this prestigious international event. As a systems supplier to Ordnance Survey and a number of regional and national mapping and cadastre agencies (NMCAs) worldwide, 1Spatial is supporting this version of the Cambridge Conference.

Entitled 'Mapping: our role in a turbulent world', the conference will bring together the heads of mapping and cadastral organisations from all around the world, to discuss and agree on the actions that the geographic information (GI) community can undertake to alleviate the problems brought about by the economic issues we face.

In addition to supporting the conference 1Spatial would like to extend an invitation to all delegates to attend a workshop session that will be held on the morning of Thursday July 16th at the conference hotel in Winchester. The workshop will address the topic of 'Generalisation - the move from research to reality.'

1Spatial has been working on generalisation for over decade since the ESPRIT EC-funded project. At a time when there are increasing demands for the most current and high quality data to be produced at many scales, the ability to include generalisation as a key tool in the NMCA production suite is a big step forward. The workshop will involve contributions from customers who have worked with 1Spatial on generalisation projects and it will also address the business benefits of a generalisation approach in today's market. The presentations will outline the Generalisation Framework.

Dr Vanessa Lawrence, Director General of Ordnance Survey Great Britain said "The conference will be a three-day mixture of plenary, workshop sessions and visits with the focus being on action, accountability and active participation. A welcome and vital contribution to the conference will be the presence of exhibitors and sponsors, such as 1Spatial. Sponsors help pay for supported delegates to attend from all over the world and I am delighted that 1Spatial will be one of the key sponsors at CC The Exchange."

Dr Michael Sanderson, Chief Executive Officer of 1Spatial added: "I am delighted that we can extend our role in CC The Exchange at this time. The company has a long relationship with Ordnance Survey and I am keen to support Vanessa Lawrence in keeping the spirit of the conference vibrant at such a difficult time for most nation state economies."

The conference will be held at the Ordnance Survey head office in Southampton. This was the venue in 2005, with space and facilities easily able to accommodate the large number of senior delegates expected.

For further information on the CC The Exchange event please visit the 1Spatial website or the event website: http://www.cambridgeconference.com/2009_conference_information/


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