Simpler detailing on exteriors of homes, increasing popularity of windows reported by AIA Home Design Trends Survey
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Simpler detailing on exteriors of homes, increasing popularity of windows reported by AIA Home Design Trends Survey

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WASHINGTON – December 5, 2023 –The American Institute of Architects (AIA) released its fourth-quarter Home Design Trends Survey, revealing significant trends in the residential market. 

Infill development and tear-downs remain a trend in high-demand neighborhoods, although the pace slowed from 2022. Neighborhood design trends saw a slower pace overall, with features like access to public transportation, recreational opportunities, dedicated open space and street amenities decreasing in popularity from 2022.  

The survey highlighted a continued move towards durable and low-maintenance materials for exterior products. The results also showed that contemporary home styles are still preferred by many homeowners.  

More insights from the survey:  

The AIA Home Design Trends Survey is conducted quarterly with a panel of more than 300 architecture firms that concentrate their practice in the residential sector. More information on the latest survey results can be reviewed here


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Matt Tinder
(202) 626 7462