LIVE WEBINAR: Accelerating Verification Component development with OSVVM Model Independent Transactions
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LIVE WEBINAR: Accelerating Verification Component development with OSVVM Model Independent Transactions


Accelerating Verification Component development with OSVVM Model Independent Transactions

Presenter: Jim Lewis, VHDL User, Designer, Verification Engineer, Trainer, OSVVM developer, and IEEE VHDL Chair
Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Verification components have become an essential part of a structured VHDL environment. In OSVVM we implement verification components as an entity and architecture. This provides RTL engineers with a familiar environment to create model behavior.   

The objective of any verification framework is to make the Device Under Test (DUT) "feel like" it has been plugged into the board. Hence, the framework must be able to produce the same waveforms and sequences of waveforms that the DUT will see on the board.

The OSVVM testbench framework looks identical to other frameworks, including SystemVerilog. It includes verification components (AxiStreamTransmitter and AxiStreamReceiver) and TestCtrl (the test sequencer) as shown in Figure 1. The top level of the testbench connects the components together (using the same methods as in RTL design) and is often called a test harness. Connections between the verification components and TestCtrl use VHDL records (which we call the transaction interface).   Connections between the verification components and the DUT are the DUT interfaces (such as AxiStream, UART, AXI4, SPI, and I2C).  

There are three steps required to create an OSVVM verification component:

  1. Define the transaction interface (in OSVVM it is a record)
  2. Define the transaction procedures (the call API for the test sequencer)
  3. Define the internals of the verification component itself.  

OSVVM model independent transactions are one of our latest innovations – added to OSVVM in 2020.07. For a class of interfaces, the model independent transactions define the transaction interface and transaction procedures. OSVVM has defined these for address bus interfaces (such as AXI, Avalon, X86, …) and streaming type interfaces (such as UART, AXI Stream, …).   

For a testbench/verification component developer, using the model independent transactions allows a developer to focus on just the internals of the verification component. Directive transactions can be copied from models of a similar class. This helps save time in testbench development.

For the test case developer, model independent transactions provide address bus interfaces and streaming interfaces with a common set of transactions (API). This makes writing test cases easier since the transaction interface (API) is already familiar.  This also facilitates either re-use of test sequences between different verification components or porting tests from one interface to another.   

This webinar provides a guided walk-through of the OSVVM model independent transactions.

Benefits of OSVVM

OSVVM is a competitive solution with SystemVerilog + UVM for FPGA Verification. World-wide, 18% of the FPGA market uses OSVVM [1] – or alternately 36% of the VHDL FPGA market uses OSVVM. In Europe, in the FPGA market, OSVVM (with 36%) leads SystemVerilog+UVM (with 26%).    

OSVVM is an innovator and leader in the development of VHDL Verification Methodology. Our approach has been evolving in SynthWorks classes since 1997 and started being released as open source in 2011. So how does it compare to SystemVerilog?

Is OSVVM supported by my simulator? Currently OSVVM is supported by simulators from Mentor, Aldec, Cadence, Synopsys, and GHDL. This is great support and our goal is to keep it this way. When we upgrade existing features in the library, we test to make sure we do not break support within our community. OTOH, when we introduce new capability (generally in separate packages) and there is a significant advantage to using advanced VHDL constructs – such as it simplifies how the item is used, then it is likely we will use it – as a result, some of OSVVM's Verification IP uses records with unconstrained arrays. We also strictly avoid using deprecated language features - such as shared variables that have an ordinary type.

Presenter BIO

The presenter, Jim Lewis, is an innovator and leader in the VHDL community. He has 30 plus years of design and teaching experience. He is the Chair of the IEEE 1076 VHDL Standards Working Group. He is a co-founder of the Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM) and the chief architect of the packages and methodology. He is an expert VHDL trainer for SynthWorks Design Inc. In his design practice, he has created designs for print servers, IMA E1/T1 networking, fighter jets, video phones, and space craft.  

Whether teaching, developing OSVVM, doing consulting VHDL development, or working on the IEEE VHDL standard, Mr Lewis brings a deep understanding of VHDL to architect solutions that solve difficult problems in simple ways.


Event Info

EU Session
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CET

Thursday, December 10, 2020

  Register for EU Session

US Session

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST

Thursday, December 10, 2020


Register for US Session


The presenter, Jim Lewis, is an innovator and leader in the VHDL community. He has 30 plus years of design and teaching experience. He is the Chair of the IEEE 1076 VHDL Standards Working Group. He is a co-founder of the Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM) and the chief architect of the packages and methodology. He is an expert VHDL trainer for SynthWorks Design Inc. In his design practice, he has created designs for print servers, IMA E1/T1 networking, fighter jets, video phones, and space craft.  

Whether teaching, developing OSVVM, doing consulting VHDL development, or working on the IEEE VHDL standard, Mr Lewis brings a deep understanding of VHDL to architect solutions that solve difficult problems in simple ways.

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