Dassault Aviation: Financial Release - 2018 annual results
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Dassault Aviation: Financial Release - 2018 annual results


  2018 2017 (pro forma IFRS 15)
Order intake EUR 5,024 million

12 Rafale Qatar
42 Falcon
(52 orders and
cancellation of the last 10
Falcon 5X)
EUR 3,289 million

38 Falcon
(41 orders and
cancellation of 3
Falcon 5X)
Adjusted net sales (*) EUR 5,084 million

9 Rafale Egypt
3 Rafale France
41 Falcon
EUR 4,876 million

8 Rafale Egypt
1 Rafale France
49 Falcon
as of December 31
EUR 19,376 million

101 Rafale
(73 Export and 28 France)
53 Falcon
(no longer including Falcon 5X)
EUR 19,460 million

101 Rafale
(70 Export and 31 France)
52 Falcon
(incl. Falcon 5X not canceled)
Adjusted operating income (*) EUR 669 million EUR 357 million
Adjusted operating margin 13.2% of net sales
9.2% without Safran compensation
7.3% of net sales

Adjusted net income (*) EUR 681 million
€ 82.1 / share
EUR 410 million
€ 49.8 / share
Adjusted net margin 13.4% of net sales
10.8% without Safran compensation
8.4% of net sales

Available cash
as of December 31
EUR 5,211 million EUR 4,121 million
Dividends EUR 177 million
€ 21.2 / share
EUR 127 million
€ 15.3 / share
Employee profit-sharing and incentives including 20% correlated social tax
Workforce as of December 31
EUR 168 million


EUR 119 million



Note: Dassault Aviation recognizes the Rafale Export contracts in their entirety (including the Thales and Safran parts), whereas for France, only the Dassault Aviation part is recognized.

Main IFRS aggregates (see reconciliation table in the Appendix)

(*) Consolidated net sales EUR 5,119 million EUR 4,901 million
(*) Consolidated operating income EUR 708 million EUR 218 million
(*) Consolidated net income EUR 573 million EUR 630 million

Saint-Cloud, February 28, 2019 - The Board of Directors met yesterday under the chairmanship of Mr. Éric Trappier and approved the 2018 financial statements. The audit procedures were performed and the audit report for certification purposes is being issued.

Éric Trappier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dassault Aviation, stated:

"Above all, 2018 will be remembered for Serge Dassault's passing away. His passion, his tenacity, his vision, his patriotism stay in our hearts and our history. We are grateful to his memory as to our founder's Marcel Dassault. Our task is to carry on their legacy.

Besides, 2018 was eventful for the Company, in both defense and civilian programs. The following events in particular stand out:

In addition to these major events, 2018 was marked by:

In defense programs:

for the "Make in India" project we :

in MARitime SURveillance and MARitime PATrol aircraft:

regarding space programs (2018 was remarkable for on interest in the new Defense space policy), we notice:

in civilian programs:

In 2018 we pursued our transformation plan "Leading Our Future".

2019 outlook
There are many strategic challenges for 2019:

The Group plans to deliver 45 Falcon and 26 Export Rafale in 2019. 2019 net sales will rise significantly.

See table of reconciliation between the consolidated income statement and the
adjusted income statement in the appendix.


2018 Order intake was EUR 5,024 million, compared with EUR 3,289 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).
Export order intake represented 80%.

Defense programs
2018 Defense orders totaled EUR 2,710 million, compared with EUR 905 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma), due in particular to the order of 12 Rafale following the coming into force of the option exercised by Qatar and the F4 Standard notification for the Rafale (firm and optional batches announced, however firm batch only recorded in 2018 order intake).

Falcon programs
2018 Falcon orders totaled EUR 2,314 million versus EUR 2,384 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).

42 Falcon were ordered in 2018 (52 orders and cancellation of the last 10 Falcon 5X). In 2017, 38 Falcon were ordered (41 orders and 3 cancellations of Falcon 5X).


2018 net sales amounted to EUR 5,084 million, compared to EUR 4,876 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma). Export represented 78%.

Defense programs
2018 Defense net sales amounted to EUR 2,485 million, compared to EUR 1,875 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).

Sales were impacted by the delivery of the Rafale F3-R standard to France and by the increase in the number of Rafale deliveries. 9 Rafale were delivered to Egypt and 3 Rafale to France in 2018, compared with 8 to Egypt and 1 to France in 2017. In addition, 2 Rafale Marine retrofitted to the F3 standard were delivered to France in 2018.

Falcon programs
2018 Falcon net sales amounted to EUR 2,599 million, compared to EUR 3,001 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma). Sales were impacted by the lower number of new aircraft delivered.

41 new Falcon were delivered in 2018, (in line with our guidance of 40 Falcon deliveries), compared to 49 in 2017.

The "book-to-bill ratio" (orders intake/net sales) was 1.0 for 2018.


The backlog as of December 31, 2018 was EUR 19,376 million, compared to EUR 19,460 million as of December 31, 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).

The Defense Export backlog stood at EUR 14,217 million, compared with EUR 13,964 million at December 31, 2017. It includes in particular 36 Rafale for India, 36 Rafale for Qatar and 1 Rafale for Egypt (versus 36 Rafale for India, 24 Rafale for Qatar and 10 Rafale for Egypt in 2017).

The France Defense backlog stood at EUR 3,011 million compared to EUR 3,039 million as of December 31, 2017. It includes 28 Rafale, versus 31 Rafale at the end of 2017.

The Falcon backlog stood at EUR 2,148 million, compared with EUR 2,457 million at December 31, 2017. In particular, it includes 53 Falcon (no longer including Falcon 5X), compared with 52 Falcon (including Falcon 5X) as of December 31, 2017.


Operating income

2018 operating income was EUR 669 million compared to EUR 357 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).

The operating margin was 13.2%, compared to 7.3% in 2017. Without the compensation of USD 280 million received from Safran following the termination of the Silvercrest engine contract, the operating margin would stand at 9.2%.

The improvement in the operating margin can also be explained by the recovery in the pre-owned aircraft market and by the improvement in the hedge rate (USD 1.19/EUR in 2018 vs. USD 1.21/EUR in 2017). Besides, 2017 had been adversely impacted by the depreciation of inventories and work-in-progress resulting from the end of the Falcon 5X program.

The higher percentage of self-financed Research and Development expenses (7.7% of net sales in 2018 compared with 6.4% in 2017) partially offsets these positive elements.

Net financial result

The 2018 net financial result was EUR -77 million compared to EUR -57 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma). The negative net financial result is the consequence of the financing component recognized for Rafale contracts in a first time as a financial expense before being recognized in net sales along with deliveries.

Net income

2018 net income was EUR 681 million compared to EUR 410 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma). Thales' contribution to the Group's net income was EUR 290 million, compared to EUR 206 million in 2017 (IFRS 15 pro forma).
The net margin was 13.4% in 2018, compared to 8.4% in 2017. Without the compensation of USD 280 million received from Safran following the termination of the Silvercrest engine contract, the net margin would stand at 10.8%.

Net income per share in 2018 stood at EUR 82.1/share, compared with EUR 49.8/share in 2017.


Available Cash of the Group amounted to EUR 5,211 million as of December 31, 2018 versus EUR 4,121 million as of December 31, 2017, up by EUR 1,090 million mainly due to the net income for the period and the down payments received under the ongoing Rafale Export contract.


Total equity was EUR 4,277 million as of December 31, 2018 compared with the opening balance of EUR 3,721 million. This increase is mainly due to the consolidated net income for the period.

Customers down payments received net of down payments paid to suppliers went up by EUR 563 million as of December 31, 2018 due primarily to down payments received under the ongoing Export Rafale contracts.

Inventories and work-in-progress decreased by EUR 68 million and stood at EUR 3,403 million as of December 31, 2018. The decrease in inventories and work-in-progress resulting from Falcon activity was partly offset by the increase in work-in-progress related to Rafale Export contracts.

Borrowings and financial debt amounted to EUR 991 million as of December 31, 2018, compared to EUR 1,095 million as of December 31, 2017. They include loans subscribed by the Group in 2014 and 2015 which totaled EUR 875 million as of December 31, 2018 (EUR 75 million were paid back in 2018) and locked-in employee profit-sharing funds.

Derivative financial instruments had a market value of EUR 14 million as of December 31, 2018, compared to EUR 161 million as of December 31, 2017. This increase is mainly due to the change in the $/€ exchange rate between December 31, 2017 (1.20 $/€) and December 31, 2018 (1.15 $/€).

Note: data restated for the application of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9.


The Board of Directors decided to propose to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of a dividend of 21.2/share in 2019, corresponding to a total of EUR 177 million, i.e. a payout of 26%, as in the previous year.

Under the earnings distribution policy, Group employees will receive, in profit-sharing and incentives, EUR 140 million (whereas the legal formula would have led to the amount of EUR 30 million), i.e. EUR 168 million including 20% correlated social tax.

All information relating to the publication of our results is available on our website:

Stéphane Fort                                                                                                                            Armelle Gary
Corporate Communication                                                                                                  Investor Relations
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 11 86 90                                                                                     Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 11 84 24

Appendix 1: table of reconciliation between the consolidated income statement and the adjusted income statement
The impact in 2018 of adjustments to income statement aggregates is presented below:

(in EUR thousands) 2018 consolidated income statement Foreign exchange derivatives THALES PPA Adjustments applied
by Thales
2018 adjusted income statement
Foreign exchange gain/loss Change in fair value
Net sales 5,119,219 -30,162 -5,223     5,083,834
Operating income 707,529 -30,162 -8,527     668,840
Financial income -145,883 30,162 38,243     -77,478
Share in net income of
equity associates
205,849     39,580 48,545 293,974
Income tax -194,693   -9,505     -204,198
Net income 572,802 0 20,211 39,580 48,545 681,138
Group share of net income 572,741 0 20,211 39,580 48,545 681,077
Group share of net income
per share (in EUR)
69.1         82.1

The impact in 2017 of adjustments to income statement aggregates (IFRS 15 pro forma) is presented below:

(in EUR thousands) 2017 consolidated income statement Foreign exchange derivatives Commercial dispute THALES PPA Adjustments applied
by Thales
2017 adjusted income statement
Foreign exchange gain/loss Change in fair value
Net sales 4,901,080 -30,941 5,833       4,875,972
Operating income 217,935 -30,941 36,195 133,501     356,690
Financial income 519,559 30,941 -474,235 -133,501(1)     -57,236
Share in net income of
equity associates
143,951       26,384 39,583 209,918
Income tax -251,363   152,313       -99,050
Net income 630,082 0 -285,727 0 26,384 39,583 410,322
Group share of net income 630,040 0 -285,727 0 26,384 39,583 410,280
Group share of net income
per share (in EUR)
76.4           49.8

(1) in order to reflect the actual economic performance of the Group, the amount of the capital gains made on marketable securities to offset the expense recognized for the commercial dispute is also adjusted.
To reflect the actual economic performance of the Group, and to monitor and compare performance, the Dassault Aviation Group presents an adjusted income statement of the following elements:

Appendix 2: IFRS 15 impact on 2017 adjusted net income

In EUR thousands 2017
Adjusted Restated
Net sales 4,807,530 68,442 4,875,972
Operating income 348,475 8,215 356,690
Operating margin 7.2%   7.3%
Financial income 10,610 -67,846 -57,236
Share in net income of equity associates 244,891 -34,973 209,918
Income tax -114,742 15,692 -99,050
Net Income 489,234 -78,912 410,322
Net margin 10.2%   8.4%

