DATADVANCE announces pSeven 6.14 Release: brand new Design space exploration block, direct STAR-CCM+ and FMI integration, synchronized plots and much more.
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DATADVANCE announces pSeven 6.14 Release: brand new Design space exploration block, direct STAR-CCM+ and FMI integration, synchronized plots and much more.

DATADVANCE development team announces the availability of pSeven 6.14, a new version of our flagship platform for data analysis and optimization. In this major update, we’ve come up with design space exploration and predictive modeling enhancements, extended integration capabilities and connected interactivity between some viewers. We also deployed a few usability updates and introduced a new licensing format to make our platform more powerful and versatile than ever. Read on for highlights on these exciting new additions.

Design Space Exploration Enhancements

This release refines Design Space Exploration capabilities that empower engineers to explore various design alternatives and easily find optimal solutions. We upgraded the Design of experiments block to Design space exploration by adding the majority of functions of the existing Optimizer block. The resulting new block has the following key features:

Predictive Modeling Enhancements

The latest update further enhances your experience when building and evaluating approximation models. Some notable changes are outlined below:

Integration Block Updates

In this version, we also focused on extending direct integration capabilities of the platform. The topical issues here include:

Synchronized Plots

With this release, we take a major step toward making the platform an even more powerful tool for visualizing your data. Linked selection option is a long-awaited feature that adds connected interactivity between Sample viewer, 2D plot and Parallel coordinates plot. You can now synchronize selections between these viewers if they share at least one common data source and also have linked selection enabled. It means that selections you make in a viewer also select corresponding data in other viewers linked to it. This handy feature offers almost endless opportunities to explore your data.

Usability Improvements

pSeven 6.14 comes with some usability improvements aiming to delight our customers. Now you can:

Command-Line Workflow Integration

The update provides a practical and easy way to integrate pSeven as a part of some external process. Now you can start workflows from the command line using pSeven’s batch mode (p7batch). Its notable features are:


This version introduces a new license format that provides a simple and flexible way to deploy and use pSeven for solving various engineering problems.

Moving to pSeven 6.14 requires an updated license file. Licenses issued for the previous versions of pSeven are not compatible with pSeven 6.14 and above.

New licenses files will be sent shortly to customers with active technical maintenance period. Please, contact us if you didn't receive it.

This release also brings many updates to the chapters of the user manual and resolves a number of issues and bugs to improve overall customer experience with the product. For a detailed list of updates, please, see the release changelog.

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