JULY 29, 2017 - Xylon has released the new version of the comprehensive
logiADAK-VDF Video Design Framework for quick development of multi-camera embedded vision systems based on the Xilinx® Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC. The framework is fully compatible with Xylon’s
logiADAK Automotive Driver Assistance Kit and the
logiVID Multi-Camera Vision Development Kit, and includes pre-verified logicBRICKS reference designs for video capture and display output under the Linux operating system.
The logicBRICKS reference designs are prepared for the Xilinx Vivado® Design Suite and the SDSoC™ Development Environment. To provide the Xilinx SDSoC users the complete embedded C/C++ development experience and to demonstrate how to implement custom vision processing logic in software or in programmable logic, the supplied reference designs include the Sobel video processing example.
Photo - Four Camera with Sobel Filtering Demo
The complete camera-to-display SoC designs use just a fraction of available programmable logic and significantly save the design time and efforts. Instead of starting from scratch and having to spend months designing and building a new design framework, the logiADAK-VDF framework users can immediately focus on the specific vision processing and add it in the pre-built SoC infrastructure.