European retail in 2016: Slow but real-value growth
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European retail in 2016: Slow but real-value growth

GfK study on retail conditions in 33 European countries

Bruchsal, Germany, April 19, 2016 GfK has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the European retail scene in 33 European countries. The study examines purchasing power, the retail share of the population's total expenditures, inflation, sales area productivity as well as a turnover prognosis for 2016. The study is part of the new edition of ACROSS Magazine, which is being launched at the 2016 ICSC European conference in Milano, Italy.

“Overall, 2015 was a good year for European consumers,” says Dr. Gerold Doplbauer, GfK retail expert and study lead. “The economy of the European Union grew nominally by 4.7 percent and unemployment fell in most countries. Private consumption increased significantly: The low interest rate made traditional saving less attractive, with the result that many consumers chose to spend their money, which benefited retail. But there are large differences between the individual regions in Europe. And political and economic uncertainties exist alongside the positive developments. It remains to be seen how the willingness to invest among European companies and consumers will be impacted by Europe’s refugee crisis and terror threat as well as the economic weaknesses in emerging economies."

Reinhard Winiwarter, publisher of ACROSS Magazine, which partnered with GfK on the study, comments: "The GfK study offers valuable insights into the current market climate for the retail and retail real estate sectors. We're happy that thanks to our collaboration with GfK, we're able to offer our readers greater transparency and peace of mind for their European retail endeavors."

About the study

The following GfK market indicators were evaluated for a total of 33 European countries: purchasing power, retail turnover and the retail share of the population's total expenditures. GfK also offers a forecast for retail turnover in 2016 and analyzes consumer price trends. The study examines sales area provision and productivity in the European countries under review and includes a four-page analysis of the Netherlands’ retail market.

GfK's calculations of turnover and purchasing power were carried out in euros based on the average 2015 exchange rate for the national currencies in question (as reported by the European Commission). The deadline for the information and data was February 2016.

The study can be obtained as a PDF at and

Print-quality illustrationscan be found here.

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Cornelia Lichtner
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