FPGAs Moving Into Computing Mainstream
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FPGAs Moving Into Computing Mainstream

The 24th annual ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA’16) will take place February 21 through 23 in Monterey, California.

It will feature a panel discussion assessing the impacts of the recent acquisition of Altera by Intel. Will this major change in the FPGA business landscape lead to better integration of FPGAs and mainstream CPUs? Facilitate wider use of FPGAs in data centers? Impact FPGA pricing? Are mergers in store for other FPGA manufacturers? These and other questions will be addressed by our panelists:

The major impediment to wider use of FPGAs in mainstream computing is certainly the complexity of the design process. How could this be simplified, ideally to the extent that the incredible compute power of modern FPGAs would be accessible to ordinary software developers? Many novel solutions to this problem will be described during two full days of research presentations, including: special tools to facilitate the use of FPGAs for convolutional neural networks and graph data processing; domain-specific languages; and high-level synthesis.

Other presentations will provide in-depth descriptions of the new clocking and pipelining features of the StratixTM 10 family, describe new ideas to reduce power, and share the latest results from leading FPGA researchers worldwide. The symposium starts Sunday morning with a workshop on “overlay” architectures, a design technique with the potential to dramatically reduce FPGA compile time. A special “Designers’ Day” session will take place Sundayafternoon, with practical tutorials of interest to FPGA users.

About ACM FPGA: The ACM International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, held annually in Monterey, is the premiere forum for the presentation of advances in all areas of FPGA technology. http://www.isfpga.org/


Kia Bazargan
Publicity Chair
ACM FPGA 2016.