Stratasys Reports Third Quarter 2015 Financial Results

Non-GAAP Discussion Disclosure

The information provided within this press release includes financial results and projections that have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). In addition, certain non-GAAP financial measures have been provided, which exclude certain charges, expenses and income. The non-GAAP measures should be read in conjunction with the corresponding GAAP measures and should be considered in addition to, and not as an alternative or substitute for, the measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. The non-GAAP financial measures have been included in an effort to provide information that investors may deem relevant to evaluate results from the Company’s core business operations and to compare the Company’s performance with prior periods. The non-GAAP financial measures primarily identify and exclude certain discrete items, such as merger-related expenses, amortization of intangible assets, impairment charges, reorganization and other related costs, one time write off of deferred tax assets, and expenses associated with share-based compensation required under ASC 718. The Company uses these non-GAAP financial measures for evaluating comparable financial performance against prior periods.

Stratasys Ltd.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands)
  September 30,     December 31,
2015 2014
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 232,219 $ 442,141
Short-term bank deposits 30,208 595
Accounts receivable, net 130,699 150,806
Inventories 140,783 123,385
Net investment in sales-type leases 10,702 8,170
Prepaid expenses 6,895 7,931
Deferred income taxes 30,366 25,697
Other current assets   19,108   37,903  
Total current assets   600,980   796,628  
Non-current assets
Goodwill 308,549 1,323,502
Other intangible assets, net 459,112 597,903
Property, plant and equipment, net 209,432 157,036
Net investment in sales-type leases - long term 17,769 14,822
Other non-current assets   32,129   9,216  
Total non-current assets   1,026,991   2,102,479  
Total assets $ 1,627,971 $ 2,899,107  
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 38,497 $ 37,359
Short term debt - 50,000
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 42,189 47,760
Accrued compensation and related benefits 36,130 42,332
Obligations in connection with acquisitions 5,949 28,092
Deferred revenues   49,273   45,023  
Total current liabilities   172,038   250,566  
Non-current liabilities
Obligations in connection with acquisitions - long term 4,784 26,461
Deferred tax liabilities 38,466 55,835
Deferred revenues - long-term 6,908 5,946
Other non-current liabilities   22,350   25,091  
Total non-current liabilities   72,508   113,333  
Total liabilities   244,546   363,899  
Redeemable non-controlling interests 2,472 3,969

Ordinary shares, NIS 0.01 nominal value, authorized 180,000 shares; 52,301 and 50,923 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014, respectively

141 139
Additional paid-in capital 2,600,286 2,568,149
Accumulated deficit (1,211,048 ) (33,871 )
Accumulated other comprehensive loss   (8,699 )   (3,647 )
Equity attributable to Stratasys Ltd. 1,380,680 2,530,770
Non-controlling interest 273 469
Total equity   1,380,953   2,531,239  
Total liabilities and equity $ 1,627,971 $ 2,899,107  
Stratasys Ltd.
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30,
2015 2014 2015 2014
(unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Net sales
Products $ 118,473 $ 160,200 $ 379,630 $ 443,542
Services   49,107     43,410     143,003     89,474  
167,580 203,610 522,633 533,016
Cost of sales
Products 80,796 85,437 246,833 219,853
Services   34,045     30,326     94,065     55,954  
114,841 115,763 340,898 275,807
Gross profit 52,739 87,847 181,735 257,209
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 35,398 23,353 88,142 59,081
Selling, general and administrative 106,512 110,803 306,701 256,349
Goodwill impairment 868,101 - 1,018,501 -
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   (3,022 )   5,578     (22,958 )   (1,289 )
1,006,989 139,734 1,390,386 314,141
Operating loss (954,250 ) (51,887 ) (1,208,651 ) (56,932 )
Financial expense (3,505 ) (1,384 ) (9,340 ) (2,383 )
Loss before income taxes (957,755 ) (53,271 ) (1,217,991 ) (59,315 )
Income tax benefit   (19,633 )   (21,919 )   (40,321 )   (31,877 )
Net loss (938,122 ) (31,352 ) (1,177,670 ) (27,438 )
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest   (164 )   (24 )   (493 )   (24 )
Net loss attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (937,958 ) $ (31,328 ) $ (1,177,177 ) $ (27,414 )
Net loss per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (18.06 ) $ (0.62 ) $ (22.92 ) $ (0.55 )
Diluted (18.06 ) (0.62 ) (22.92 ) (0.55 )
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 51,941 50,490 51,437 49,717
Diluted 51,941 50,490 51,437 49,717
Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2015 Three Months Ended September 30, 2014
(unaudited)     Adjustments*     (unaudited) (unaudited)     Adjustments*     (unaudited)
Net sales
Products $ 118,473 $ - $ 118,473 $ 160,200 $ - $ 160,200
Services   49,107     -     49,107     43,410     -     43,410  
167,580 - 167,580 203,610 - 203,610
Cost of sales
Products 80,796 (31,892 ) 48,904 85,437 (26,760 ) 58,677
Services   34,045     (572 )   33,473     30,326     (4,236 )   26,090  
114,841 (32,464 ) 82,377 115,763 (30,996 ) 84,767
Gross profit 52,739 32,464 85,203 87,847 30,996 118,843
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 35,398 (10,324 ) 25,074 23,353 (4,178 ) 19,175
Selling, general and administrative 106,512 (36,400 ) 70,112 110,803 (42,936 ) 67,867
Goodwill impairment 868,101 (868,101 ) - - - -
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   (3,022 )   3,022     -     5,578     (5,578 )   -  
1,006,989 (911,803 ) 95,186 139,734 (52,692 ) 87,042
Operating income (loss) (954,250 ) 944,267 (9,983 ) (51,887 ) 83,688 31,801
Financial income (expense) (3,505 ) 2,705 (800 ) (1,384 ) - (1,384 )
Income (loss) before income taxes (957,755 ) 946,972 (10,783 ) (53,271 ) 83,688 30,417
Income taxes (benefit)   (19,633 )   8,350     (11,283 )   (21,919 )   22,269     350  
Net income (loss) (938,122 ) 938,622 500 (31,352 ) 61,419 30,067
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest   (164 )   -     (164 )   (24 )   -     (24 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (937,958 ) $ 938,622   $ 664   $ (31,328 ) $ 61,419   $ 30,091  
Net income (loss) per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (18.06 ) $ 0.01 $ (0.62 ) $ 0.60
Diluted (18.06 ) 0.01 (0.62 ) 0.58
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 51,941 51,941 50,490 50,490
Diluted 51,941 53,108 50,490 52,261

The Company considers these non-GAAP measures to be indicative of its core operating results and facilitates a comparison of operating results across reporting periods. The Company uses these non-GAAP measures when evaluating its financial results as well as for internal planning and forecasting purposes, however these measures should not be viewed as a substitute for the Company’s GAAP results.


* Refer to the "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments" herein for further information regarding adjustments.

Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2015 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2014
GAAP Adjustments* Non-GAAP GAAP Adjustments* Non-GAAP
Net sales
Products $ 379,630 $ - $ 379,630 $ 443,542 $ 235 $ 443,777
Services   143,003     -     143,003     89,474     -     89,474  
522,633 - 522,633 533,016 235 533,251
Cost of sales
Products 246,833 (93,778 ) 153,055 219,853 (55,228 ) 164,625
Services   94,065     (2,823 )   91,242     55,954     (5,010 )   50,944  
340,898 (96,601 ) 244,297 275,807 (60,238 ) 215,569
Gross profit 181,735 96,601 278,336 257,209 60,473 317,682
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 88,142 (16,157 ) 71,985 59,081 (6,991 ) 52,090
Selling, general and administrative 306,701 (93,265 ) 213,436 256,349 (74,076 ) 182,273
Goodwill impairment 1,018,501 (1,018,501 ) - - - -
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   (22,958 )   22,958     -     (1,289 )   1,289     -  
1,390,386 (1,104,965 ) 285,421 314,141 (79,778 ) 234,363
Operating income (loss) (1,208,651 ) 1,201,566 (7,085 ) (56,932 ) 140,251 83,319
Financial income (expense) (9,340 ) 2,705 (6,635 ) (2,383 ) - (2,383 )
Income (loss) before income taxes (1,217,991 ) 1,204,271 (13,720 ) (59,315 ) 140,251 80,936
Income taxes (benefit)   (40,321 )   16,444     (23,877 )   (31,877 )   34,153     2,276  
Net income (loss) (1,177,670 ) 1,187,827 10,157 (27,438 ) 106,098 78,660
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest   (493 )   -     (493 )   (24 )   -     (24 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (1,177,177 ) $ 1,187,827   $ 10,650   $ (27,414 ) $ 106,098   $ 78,684  
Net income (loss) per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (22.92 ) $ 0.21 $ (0.55 ) $ 1.58
Diluted (22.92 ) 0.20 (0.55 ) 1.53
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 51,437 51,437 49,717 49,717
Diluted 51,437 52,715 49,717 51,573

The Company considers these non-GAAP measures to be indicative of its core operating results and facilitates a comparison of operating results across reporting periods. The Company uses these non-GAAP measures when evaluating its financial results as well as for internal planning and forecasting purposes, however these measures should not be viewed as a substitute for the Company’s GAAP results.


* Refer to the "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments" herein for further information regarding adjustments.

Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments
(in thousands)
Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30,
2015 2014 2015 2014
Net sales, products
Deferred revenue step-up $ - $ - $ - $ 235
Cost of sales, products
Acquired intangible assets amortization (12,317 ) (14,328 ) (39,523 ) (41,582 )
Impairment charges (18,338 ) (11,635 ) (48,120 ) (11,635 )
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (372 ) (797 ) (2,833 ) (2,011 )
Reorganization and other related costs   (865 )   -     (3,302 )   -  
(31,892 ) (26,760 ) (93,778 ) (55,228 )
Cost of sales, services
Acquired intangible assets amortization - (536 ) - (537 )
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (367 ) (485 ) (1,536 ) (1,217 )
Reorganization and other related costs (49 ) - (124 ) -
Merger and acquisition related expense   (156 )   (3,215 )   (1,163 )   (3,256 )
(572 ) (4,236 ) (2,823 ) (5,010 )
Research and development, net
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (985 ) (1,098 ) (4,359 ) (2,921 )
Impairment charges (7,546 ) (3,000 ) (7,546 ) (3,000 )
Reorganization and other related costs (728 ) - (1,345 ) -
Merger and acquisition related expense   (1,065 )   (80 )   (2,907 )   (1,070 )
(10,324 ) (4,178 ) (16,157 ) (6,991 )
Selling, general and administrative
Acquired intangible assets amortization (5,832 ) (6,474 ) (17,972 ) (17,344 )
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (3,112 ) (5,217 ) (15,432 ) (15,262 )
Merger and acquisition related expense (9,773 ) (31,245 ) (22,616 ) (41,470 )
Reorganization and other related costs (106 ) - (6,245 ) -
Impairment charges   (17,577 )   -     (31,000 )   -  
(36,400 ) (42,936 ) (93,265 ) (74,076 )
Goodwill impairment (868,101 ) - (1,018,501 ) -
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions 3,022 (5,578 ) 22,958 1,289
Financial expense
Credit facility extinguishment related costs (2,705 ) - (2,705 ) -
Income taxes
Tax expense related to non-GAAP adjustments 8,350 22,269 16,444 34,153
Net income $ 938,622   $ 61,419   $ 1,187,827   $ 106,098  
Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Forward Looking Guidance
Three Months Ended December 31, 2015
(in millions, except per share data)
GAAP net loss ($35.3) to ($28.3)


Stock-based compensation expense $7 to $7.5
Intangible assets amortization expense $17
Merger and acquisition related expense $2.5
Reorganization and other related costs $4 to $5
Tax expense related to Non-GAAP adjustments ($5.2) to ($5.7)
Non-GAAP net loss ($9) to ($3)
GAAP loss per share ($0.68) to ($0.54)
Non-GAAP loss per share ($0.17) to ($0.06)

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