Stratasys Reports Record Third Quarter Financial Results

This release is available on the Stratasys web site at

Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq: SSYS), headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Rehovot, Israel, is a leading global provider of 3D printing and additive and additive manufacturing solutions. The company's patented FDM®, PolyJet™ and WDM™ 3D Printing technologies produce prototypes and manufactured goods directly from 3D CAD files or other 3D content. Systems include 3D printers for idea development, prototyping and direct digital manufacturing. Stratasys subsidiaries include MakerBot and Solidscape, and the company operates a digital-manufacturing service comprising RedEye, Solid Concepts and Harvest Technologies. Stratasys has more than 2,800 employees, holds over 600 granted or pending additive manufacturing patents globally, and has received more than 25 awards for its technology and leadership. Online at: or

Stratasys Ltd.
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30,
2014 2013 2014 2013
(unaudited)   (unaudited) (unaudited)   (unaudited)
Net sales
Products $ 160,200 $ 107,887 $ 443,542 $ 279,910
Services   43,410     17,739     89,474     49,408  
203,610 125,626 533,016 329,318
Cost of sales
Products 85,437 53,565 219,853 148,339
Services   30,326     11,469     55,954     32,608  
115,763 65,034 275,807 180,947
Gross profit 87,847 60,592 257,209 148,371
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 23,353 13,514 59,081 34,640
Selling, general and administrative 110,803 51,587 256,349 137,577
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   5,578     1,607     (1,289 )   1,607  
139,734 66,708 314,141 173,824
Operating loss (51,887 ) (6,116 ) (56,932 ) (25,453 )
Other income (loss) (1,384 ) (452 ) (2,383 ) 200
Loss before income taxes (53,271 ) (6,568 ) (59,315 ) (25,253 )


Income taxes (benefit)   (21,919 )   80     (31,877 )   (337 )
Net loss $ (31,352 ) $ (6,648 ) $ (27,438 ) $ (24,916 )
Net loss (income) attributable to non-controlling interest $ (24 ) $ (22 ) $ (24 ) $ 46  
Net loss attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (31,328 ) $ (6,626 ) $ (27,414 ) $ (24,962 )
Net loss per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (0.62 ) $ (0.16 ) $ (0.55 ) $ (0.63 )
Diluted (0.62 ) (0.16 ) (0.55 ) (0.63 )
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 50,490 41,976 49,717 39,754
Diluted 50,490 41,976 49,717 39,754
Stratasys Ltd.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands)

 September 30, 

 December 31, 

2014 2013
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 383,501 $ 414,088
Short-term bank deposits 75,375 200,370
Accounts receivable, net 140,676 99,200
Inventories 119,262 88,406
Investment in sales-type leases, net 7,478 6,696
Prepaid expenses 9,759 5,470
Deferred income taxes 22,268 16,501
Other current assets   37,114     21,398
Total current assets   795,433     852,129
Non-current assets
Goodwill 1,425,416 1,195,891
Other intangible assets, net 607,662 622,330
Investment in sales-type leases 14,643 11,219

Amounts funded in respect of employee rights upon retirement

3,255 3,166
Property, plant and equipment, net 143,335 91,005
Other non-current assets   8,137     6,481
Total non-current assets   2,202,448     1,930,092
Total assets $ 2,997,881   $ 2,782,221
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 39,093 $ 35,375
Short term debt 50,000 -
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 40,530 32,849
Accrued compensation and related benefits 36,228 21,441
Obligations in connection with acquisitions 42,037 12,027
Unearned revenues   40,909     36,033
Total current liabilities   248,797     137,725
Non-current liabilities
Employee rights upon retirement 4,859 4,683
Obligations in connection with acquisitions - long term 37,132 16,998
Deferred tax liabilities 65,393 105,901
Unearned revenues - long-term 5,528 3,315
Other non-current liabilities   18,502     13,812
Total liabilities   380,211     282,434

Ordinary shares, NIS 0.01 nominal value, authorized 180,000 shares; 50,898 and 49,211 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013, respectively

139 133
Additional paid-in capital 2,560,256 2,412,197
Retained earnings 58,135 85,549
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)   (1,355 )   1,908
Equity attributable to Stratasys Ltd. 2,617,175 2,499,787
Non-controlling interest 495
Total equity   2,617,670     2,499,787
Total liabilities and equity $ 2,997,881   $ 2,782,221
Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2014 Three Months Ended September 30, 2013
(unaudited) Adjustments* (unaudited) (unaudited) Adjustments* (unaudited)
Net sales
Products $ 160,200 $ - $ 160,200 $ 107,887 $ 434 $ 108,321
Services   43,410     -     43,410     17,739     -     17,739  
203,610 - 203,610 125,626 434 126,060
Cost of sales
Products 85,437 (26,760 ) 58,677 53,565 (12,713 ) 40,852
Services   30,326     (4,236 )   26,090     11,469     (395 )   11,074  
115,763 (30,996 ) 84,767 65,034 (13,108 ) 51,926
Gross profit 87,847 30,996 118,843 60,592 13,542 74,134
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 23,353 (4,178 ) 19,175 13,514 (1,538 ) 11,976
Selling, general and administrative 110,803 (42,936 ) 67,867 51,587 (13,660 ) 37,927
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   5,578     (5,578 )   -     1,607     (1,607 )   -  
139,734 (52,692 ) 87,042 66,708 (16,805 ) 49,903
Operating income (loss) (51,887 ) 83,688 31,801 (6,116 ) 30,347 24,231
Other loss (1,384 ) - (1,384 ) (452 ) - (452 )
Income (loss) before income taxes (53,271 ) 83,688 30,417 (6,568 ) 30,347 23,779
Income taxes (benefit)   (21,919 )   22,269     350     80     3,640     3,720  
Net income (loss) $ (31,352 ) $ 61,419 $ 30,067 $ (6,648 ) $ 26,707 $ 20,059
Net loss (income) attributable to non-controlling interest $ (24 ) $ -   $ (24 ) $ (22 ) $ 61   $ 39  
Net income (loss) attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (31,328 ) $ 61,419   $ 30,091   $ (6,626 ) $ 26,646   $ 20,020  
Net income (loss) per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (0.62 ) $ 0.60 $ (0.16 ) $ 0.48
Diluted (0.62 ) 0.58 (0.16 ) 0.45
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 50,490 50,490 41,976 41,976
Diluted 50,490 52,261 41,976 44,289

The Company considers these non-GAAP measures to be indicative of its core operating results and facilitates a comparison of operating results across reporting periods. The Company uses these non-GAAP measures when evaluating its financial results as well as for internal planning and forecasting purposes, however these measures should not be viewed as a substitute for the Company’s GAAP results.


* Refer to the "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments" herein for further information regarding adjustments.

Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2014 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2013
(unaudited)     Adjustments*     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     Adjustments*     (unaudited)
Net sales
Products $ 443,542 $ 235 $ 443,777 $ 279,910 $ 1,647 $ 281,557
Services   89,474     -     89,474     49,408     -     49,408
533,016 235 533,251 329,318 1,647 330,965
Cost of sales
Products 219,853 (55,228 ) 164,625 148,339 (44,062 ) 104,277
Services   55,954     (5,010 )   50,944     32,608     (1,080 )   31,528
275,807 (60,238 ) 215,569 180,947 (45,142 ) 135,805
Gross profit 257,209 60,473 317,682 148,371 46,789 195,160
Operating expenses
Research and development, net 59,081 (6,991 ) 52,090 34,640 (3,282 ) 31,358
Selling, general and administrative 256,349 (74,076 ) 182,273 137,577 (40,017 ) 97,560
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions   (1,289 )   1,289     -     1,607     (1,607 )   -
314,141 (79,778 ) 234,363 173,824 (44,906 ) 128,918
Operating income (loss) (56,932 ) 140,251 83,319 (25,453 ) 91,695 66,242
Other income (loss) (2,383 ) - (2,383 ) 200 - 200
Income (loss) before income taxes (59,315 ) 140,251 80,936 (25,253 ) 91,695 66,442
Income taxes (benefit)   (31,877 )   34,153     2,276     (337 )   10,442     10,105
Net income (loss) $ (27,438 ) $ 106,098 $ 78,660 $ (24,916 ) $ 81,253 $ 56,337
Net loss (income) attributable to non-controlling interest $ (24 ) $ -   $ (24 ) $ 46   $ 126   $ 172
Net income (loss) attributable to Stratasys Ltd. $ (27,414 ) $ 106,098   $ 78,684   $ (24,962 ) $ 81,127   $ 56,165
Net income (loss) per ordinary share attributable to Stratasys Ltd.
Basic $ (0.55 ) $ 1.58 $ (0.63 ) $ 1.41
Diluted (0.55 ) 1.53 (0.63 ) 1.33
Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding
Basic 49,717 49,717 39,754 39,754
Diluted 49,717 51,573 39,754 42,185

The Company considers these non-GAAP measures to be indicative of its core operating results and facilitates a comparison of operating results across reporting periods. The Company uses these non-GAAP measures when evaluating its financial results as well as for internal planning and forecasting purposes, however these measures should not be viewed as a substitute for the Company’s GAAP results.


* Refer to the "Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments" herein for further information regarding adjustments.

Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Adjustments
(in thousands)
Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30,
2014 2013 2014 2013
Net sales, products
Deferred revenue step-up $ - $ 434 $ 235 $ 1,647
Cost of sales, products
Acquired intangible assets amortization (14,328 ) (12,252 ) (41,582 ) (42,795 )
Impairment charges (11,635 ) - (11,635 ) -
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (797 ) (406 ) (2,011 ) (1,039 )
Merger related expense   -     (55 )   -     (228 )
(26,760 ) (12,713 ) (55,228 ) (44,062 )
Cost of sales, services
Acquired intangible assets amortization (536 ) - (537 ) -
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (485 ) (387 ) (1,217 ) (1,020 )
Merger related expense   (3,215 )   (8 )   (3,256 )   (60 )
(4,236 ) (395 ) (5,010 ) (1,080 )
Research and development, net
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (1,098 ) (822 ) (2,921 ) (2,566 )
Impairment charges (3,000 ) - (3,000 ) -
Merger related expense   (80 )   (716 )   (1,070 )   (716 )
(4,178 ) (1,538 ) (6,991 ) (3,282 )
Selling, general and administrative
Acquired intangible assets amortization (6,474 ) (3,838 ) (17,344 ) (14,758 )
Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (5,217 ) (4,997 ) (15,262 ) (12,837 )
Merger and acquisition related expense   (31,245 )   (4,825 )   (41,470 )   (12,422 )
(42,936 ) (13,660 ) (74,076 ) (40,017 )
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions
Change in the fair value of obligations in connection with acquisitions (5,578 ) (1,607 ) 1,289 (1,607 )
Income taxes
Tax expense related to non-GAAP adjustments 22,269 3,640 34,153 10,442
Net income attributable to non-controlling interest
Depreciation and amortization expense attributable to non-controlling interest   -     61     -     126  
Net income $ 61,419   $ 26,646   $ 106,098   $ 81,127  
Stratasys Ltd.
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Forward Looking Guidance
Fiscal Year 2014
(in millions, except per share data)      
GAAP net loss ($31.6) to ($24.4)


Stock-based compensation expense $29.4 to $29.9
Intangible assets amortization expense $80.6 to $81.1
Impairment charges $14.6
Merger related expense $66.7 to $68.7
Tax expense related to Non-GAAP adjustments ($46.9) to ($47.9)
Non-GAAP net income $114.9 to $120.1
GAAP loss per share ($0.63) to ($0.49)
Non-GAAP diluted earnings per share $2.21 to $2.31

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