3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026
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3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026

LONDON, February 24, 2016 — (PRNewswire) —

Explore Dental Products, Medical Implants, Pharmaceuticals, Bio-printing and Other Uses for Additive Manufacturing

Three dimensional printing for medicine - your new guide to trends, opportunities and sales potentials
What is the future of fabricating objects from digital models with 3D printers? Visiongain's new report gives you that data and analysis, letting you explore developments, technology and revenue predictions for uses in healthcare industries.

Our investigation forecasts those revenues to 2026 at overall world market, submarket and national level. Avoid falling behind in knowledge, missing opportunities or losing influence. Instead see what the future holds for additive manufacturing and find the potential gains.

Advances in 3D printing for medicine - find where that printer technology heads
With our updated study you explore the commercial prospects of those computer controlled industrial robots. See outlooks for medical devices, tissues, drugs and other applications.

That way you find potentials for those production tools for creating shapes and patterns as multiform designs. See how those advances can benefit medicine.

Those technologies hold crucial opportunities. So read on to explore that industry and see what its future market could be worth.

Forecasts to 2026 and other information to help you stay ahead in knowledge
Besides revenue forecasting to 2026, our new work shows you recent results, sales growth rates and market shares. You also explore R&D and leading companies. Our study gives56 tables, 58 charts and seven interviews with other authorities.

Information to help your work and save time, benefiting your influence
Is finding data on novel prototyping and production systems for healthcare proving a challenge? Now make your work easier, also saving time. Discover what the future holds for that emerging technology you cannot afford to ignore.

That way you help yourself stay ahead in knowledge, benefiting your analyses, decisions, authority and reputation for insight.

To see a report overview please email Sara Peerun on Email Contact

Forecasting of that world market and its main segments - what is likely to happen?
What are the secrets of 3D printing's progress? What is the potential of that chemistry, engineering and biotechnology for healthcare? Discover in our report overall world revenue to 2026 for those synthetic processes for medical applications.

Also find individual revenue predictions to 2026 for six submarkets at world level:
• Products - with sub-forecasts for dental products, medical implants, bio-printed tissue and other applications
• Technology - processes for supporting those developments.

Which operations and processes will generate most money from 2016? With our investigation you assess outlooks for revenue growth, seeing where you can gain.

Our analysis helps you identify potential in that synthesis for medicine, producing complex geometries and surfaces. Explore the best revenue-generating applications.

Also see how that emerging industry gives opportunities from 2016 in developed and developing countries.

National markets - where will highest revenues and fastest business expansion occur?
Needs for medical devices, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals worldwide expand use of manufacturing technologies using 3D print methods. In our investigation you examine the scope of three-dimensional printing.

Our analysis shows you individual revenue forecasts to 2026 for 11 countries:
United States (US)
Germany, France, UK, Italy and Spain (EU5 countries)
Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC group).

In our work you find regions with highest revenues, demand and sales potentials for that production. You discover international prospects, appraising needs and demands.

So explore how technology for multidimensional printing can benefit its developers, producers, marketers, sellers and users from 2016. Our work shows you, discussing trends, prospects and issues.

Events and forces for developing, producing, marketing and selling
The report explains forces affecting that industry and market, including these trends:
• Technologies including selective laser sintering (SLS), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), electron beam melting (EBM), stereolithography (SLA) and selective laser melting (SLM)
• Bio-printed tissues, cells and compounds, including pharmaceuticals
• Medical models, surgical guides and prototypes
• Orthopaedic and cranio-maxillofacial implants and other medical devices.

You also see how these issues affect that industry and its users:
• Regulatory requirements - abridged pathways, innovations and challenges with 3D technologies and materials
• Replicating vascular tissue - a challenge restraining the bio-printing of replacement organs
• Intervertebral discs, bioengineering, skin grafts, implantable cartilage, blood vessels, heart, lung, liver, bone and reconstructive surgery
• Other advances in research and development, including improving biocompatibility and enhancing usefulness of the 3-dimensional constructs.

In our study you explore economic, political, social and technological questions, investigating outlooks for business. Examine what stimulates and restrains that industry and market. You hear what success is possible and see how you can gain.

Companies and overall 2020 market value - how high can 3D shaping revenues go?
What does the future hold? Our report predicts the world market for those multidimensional printer technologies for health will generate $2854 million in 2020, with further multiplication of revenue to 2026. Discover what is possible.

From 2016, healthcare corporations and specialty providers of that chemical and engineering technology can prosper. You discover how, why and when progress can occur. See what is possible.

You assess activities, progress and outlooks of organisations including these:
• Stratasys
• 3D Systems
• Tissue Regeneration Systems
• Oxford Performance Materials
• Tronrud Engineering
• Arcam AB
• Organovo
• Bio3D Technologies
• Aprecia Pharmaceuticals Company.

In our study you also discover seven interviews with authorities in the field - technology firms and other organisations. That way you find what companies and other innovators say, think and do, helping you stay ahead in knowledge.

6 Ways 3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026 helps you
In these six main ways, our new study benefits your research, plans, decisions and presentations:
• Revenues to 2026 at world level and for 6 submarkets - see outlooks for that emerging industry, its technology, marketing and sales
• Forecasts to 2026 for 11 national markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia - investigate leading countries for potential revenues and expansion
• Prospects for companies and other organisations - assess portfolios, progress, advantages, business strategies and developmental activities
• Discussions of R&D - explore progress in that industry, finding technological, clinical and commercial opportunities and outlooks
• Analysis of what stimulates and restrains that market - assess challenges and strengths, helping you compete and gain advantages
• Interviews with 7 authorities in that field - researchers and companies - discover news and views to help you stay ahead and succeed.

That analysis, by our in-house team in the UK, gives knowledge to benefit your research, plans, decisions and proposals. It shows data you find nowhere else.

Knowledge found only in our work, helping your research, analyses and plans
Our report gives independent analysis. There you receive business intelligence found only in our work, finding where progress and money lie. With that knowledge you explore possibilities, helping you stay ahead and succeed.

With our updated and expanded investigation you are less likely to fall behind in information or miss opportunity. Find out how you could save time and effort. Also benefit your decisions and authority on that emerging, rising technology.

Trying our analysis now lets you explore 3D printing opportunities and predictions
Our new study is for everyone investigating 3D production techniques, equipment and devices for healthcare. In it you find revenue forecasting to 2026, with trends, analysis, data and discussions. Avoid missing out - please get our report here now.

Organisations Mentioned in the Report 

3D Bioprinting Solutions 
3D Synthesis 
3D Systems
4WEB Medical  
5N Plus  
Air Force Research Laboratory 
Adler Ortho  
Alphaform AG
America Makes 
American Cancer Society 
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals 
Arcam AB  
Armed Forces Institute for Regenerative Medicine  
Artivasc 3D  
Asian Manufacturing Association  
Autodesk Within  
Beijing AKEC    
BestinClass SA    
Bio 3D Technologies    
Bionics Institute   
Blohm Jung 
Boeing Company  
Bonassar Research Group  
C&A Tool  
Chinese Food and Drug Administration   
Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology   
Clemson University    
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation     
Cornell University   
CPA Group     
CTI Renato Archer   
Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute   
Deakin University   
Deloitte Consulting   
DePuy Synthes   
Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin    
DiSanto Technology    
Drexel University   
Emerging Implant Technologies  
Erasmus Medical Center  
ETH Zurich    
European Commission  
European Medicines Agency
FDA Centre for Devices and Radiological Health
Federal Aviation Administration
Focus Economics
Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Administration Centre for Devices and Radiological Health
Fraunhofer Institutes
Fripp Design and Research
Fundamentals of Robotic Gynecologic Surgery
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Grid Logic Incorporated
Harvard University
Harvest Technologies
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
iBox Printers
Industry Alliance of China 3D Printing Technology
Innovate UK
Interfacial Solutions
Intuitive Surgical
Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network 
Janssen Research and Development
Johnson & Johnson
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Knight Cancer Institute of Oregon Health and Science University
Lab 22
Laser Zentrum Hannover
Lima Corporate
Leiden University
Lockheed Martin
Maastricht Instruments B.V.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Materialise NV
Mattel Children's Hospital
Mayo Clinic
MCP HEK Tooling
Medical Modeling Inc.
Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency
Merck & Co.
Michael J Fox Foundation
Michigan Technological University
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
MTU Aero Engines
Nakashima Medical
Nano 3D Biosciences
Nanyang Technological University
National Engineering Research Centre of Rapid Manufacturing
National Institute of Health
National Institute of Health 3D Print Exchange
National Kidney Foundation
National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute
Next 21
North Carolina State University
Northrop Grumman
NYU Langone Medical Center
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Osteopore International
Oxford Performance Materials
Paramount Industries
Peking University 3rd Hospital
Proto Labs
Protosys Technologies
Queen's Medical Centre
Rainbow BioSciences
Rainbow Coral Corp.
Replica 3dm
Rice University
Royal Perth Hospital
Salamanca University Hospital
Salisbury District Hospital
Siemens Corporation
Singapore Centre for 3D Printing
SIU System
Smith & Nephew
Solid Concepts
South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
South Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Southampton General Hospital
State Food and Drug Administration
Technology Strategy Board
Teijin Nakashima Medical
TeVido Biodevices
Texas A&M University
Texas Tech University
The Cronin Group
Tissue Regeneration Systems
Tsingua University
TU Berlin
UCL School of Pharmacy
United Therapeutics
University College London
University of California
University of Central Lancashire
University of Glasgow
University of Groningen
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
University of North Carolina
University of Northern Iowa
University of Nottingham
University of Pennsylvania
University of Queensland
University of Saskatchewan
University of Sheffield
University of Wisconsin
University of Texas at El Paso
U.S. Army
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Venture Investors
Vidar Systems Corp.
VIVOS Dental
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)
Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre
Weill Cornell Medical College
Wellcome Trust
Wohlers Associates
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Intellectual Property Organisation
Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Xilloc Medical
Zimmer Biomet

To see a report overview please email Sara Peerun on Email Contact

To request an exec summary of this report please email Sara Peerun at Email Contact or call Tel: +44(0)20-7336-6100

Or click on https://www.visiongain.com/Report/1582/3D-Printing-for-Healthcare-Trends-R-D-and-Revenue-Forecasts-2016-2026

SOURCE Visiongain
